Tell a friend

The Tell A Friend layout page allows you to add social networking icons to your page.

We use the services of to provide you with this feature. There are no customisable options
built into our system here.

While there is no option for addition text or images within the main edit area, additonal content
can be added in the INTRO (as in this text) and FOOTER areas as required.

For more choices on social networks used, icon size, or to add the icons as javascript/widget
to a different style of page, visit the addthis website at or an choose an alternate provider.

We've included some sample text here to get you started. You can define a template for the email that the "friends" will get. This is where you would include your website URL and a generic sales pitch. In that email template you might also like to include the reference details and personal message from their friend, using fields like: [COMMENTS] Please delete this instructional text and then test before making your page live...

Your Name

Your Phone

Your Email

Email Subject:

Enter upto 3 friends names and email addresses

Name 1: Email:

Name 2: Email:

Name 3: Email:

Your personal message to your friends.

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